Home » » Broodmother


Written By Unknown on Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 | 05.42

Dire icon.png The Dire
17 + 2.5
18 + 2.2
18 + 2
Level 11625
Hit Points 473 1214 1993
Mana 234 650 1118
Damage 44-50 79-85 116-122
Armor 2.527.4212.71
Attacks / Second 0.69 0.91.11
Movement Speed 295
Turn Rate 0.5
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.4+0.5
Cast Duration0.2+0.51
Base Attack Time 1.7
Black Arachnia the Broodmother is a melee agility hero who is a notably powerful pusher. Her trademark spiderlings, as both an asset and a liability, define her play style. While a possible additional source of income, experience and lane pushes, spiderlings can easily feed opponents when not handled with deft micro and great awareness. Broodmother's abilities allow her to summon those spiderlings to do her bidding, to conceal herself and her spiderlings in an area, and to slow and kill heroes with relative ease if caught off guard, all while staying as elusive as possible with her webs and passives. She spends most of the early game pressuring a lane with little concern, due to her spiderlings and her invisibility/added HP regeneration, but she can also transition into a difficult to kill melee carry, which can dive in on and rapidly kill lone enemies with the right items later on.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Summons
  • 4 Recommended items


Broodmother Black Arachnia, the Broodmother
 "I've promised you to my children."
Role: Pip pusher.png Pusher / Pip carry.png Carry / Pip tank.png Escape
For centuries, Black Arachnia the Broodmother lurked in the dark lava tubes beneath the smoldering caldera of Mount Pyrotheos, raising millions of spiderlings in safety before sending them to find prey in the wide world above. In a later age, the Vizier of Greed, Ptholopthales, erected his lodestone ziggurat on the slopes of the dead volcano, knowing that any looters who sought his magnetic wealth must survive the spider-haunted passages. After millennia of maternal peace, Black Arachnia found herself beset by a steady trickle of furfeet and cutpurses, bold knights and noble youths--all of them delicious, certainly, and yet tending to create a less than nurturing environment for her innocent offspring. Tiring of the intrusions, she paid a visit to Ptholopthales; and when he proved unwilling to discuss a compromise, she wrapped the Vizier in silk and set him aside to be the centerpiece of a special birthday feast. Unfortunately, the absence of the Magnetic Ziggurat's master merely emboldened a new generation of intruders. When one of her newborns was trodden underfoot by a clumsy adventurer, she reached the end of her silken rope. Broodmother headed for the surface, declaring her intent to rid the world of each and every possible invader, down to the last Hero if necessary, until she could ensure her nursery might once more be a safe and wholesome environment for her precious spiderspawn.


Spawn Spiderlings
Spawn Spiderlings icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Unit Enemies Magical
Broodmother injects her young into an enemy unit, dealing damage. The spiderlings will hatch if the target is killed while under this influence.
Range: 700
Damage: 75/150/225/300
Count: 1/2/3/4
Cooldown 10 Mana 120
Black Arachnia continues to raise her young, even amidst the field of combat. The brood quickly learns how to support their mother.
  • Units from which the Spiderlings spawn leave no corpse on death.
  • If the target is killed within 2 seconds of being hit by this skill, the Spiderlings will spawn.
  • Units killed by Spiderlings will then give birth to Spiderites, smaller and less powerful versions of the Spiderlings.
  • Will work on allied creeps and units when denying.

Spin Web
Spin Web icon.png
Ability Affects
Target Point Self
Throws out a web that renders Broodmother invisible in its vicinity, while also boosting regeneration, and granting a passive movement speed increase.
Range: 600
Radius: 650
Maximum Webs: 2/4/6/8
Bonus Health Regeneration: 2/4/6/8
Bonus Movement Speed: 20%/25%/30%/35%
Cooldown 30 Mana 50
Weaving a bed of silken fibers, Arachnia's web both protects her and her offspring, as well as giving advancing opponents a sense of foreboding.
  • Has a fade time of 2 seconds.
  • Also affects Spiderlings and Spiderites.
  • Destroys trees in the radius when placed, but they will grow back after the corresponding time (even if the web is still there).
  • Webs have a 150 sight range, and don't prevent neutrals from spawning.
  • The web does not prevent neutral creeps from spawning. 
  • If more webs are spawned than allowed, the oldest one will disappear.
  • Webs are marked by icons on the minimap.
  • Web invisibility does not remove unit collision.

Incapacitating Bite
Incapacitating Bite icon.png
Ability Affects
Passive Enemies
Broodmother's venom cripples enemy units, causing her attacks to slow, as well as giving the affected unit a chance to miss its attacks.
Duration: 2
Miss Chance: 30%/40%/50%/60%
Move Slow: 10%/20%/30%/40%
Paralytic toxins come from Black Arachnia's fangs, causing a slow and painful death to those who intrude on her webs.
  • The affected enemies' miss chance stacks with evasion and terrain dodge chance.
  • In DotA 1, this ability is blocked by Linken's Sphere. The change appears to be intended.

Insatiable Hunger
Insatiable Hunger icon.png
Ability Affects
No Target Self
A violent lust for vital fluids increases Broodmother's attack damage and gives her a vampiric attack.
Bonus Damage: 60/80/100
Lifesteal: 40%/60%/80%
Duration: 14
Cooldown 45 Mana 100
While most of her prey is wrapped in silken cocoons and saved for her young, the Broodmother herself has a taste for wandering heroes.
  • Fully stacks with all items providing lifesteal (both Unique Attack Modifiers and auras).
  • Can only be removed by Purge (from Diffusal Blade, Stone Gaze, Demonic Purge, Unstable Current, or the Satyr Trickster).

[edit] Summons

Spiderling Portrait.png
Duration 60 seconds
Hit Points 450
Damage 18-19
Armor 0
Movement Speed 350
Sight Range 1400/800
Attack Range Melee
Attack Duration 0.5+0.3
Base Attack Time 1.35
Bounty 11 - 13
Experience 31
Notes Possesses Poison Sting
Possesses Spawn Spiderite
Spiderling Portrait.png
Duration 60 seconds
Hit Points 175
Damage 9-10
Armor 0
Movement Speed 350
Sight Range 1400/800
Attack Range Melee
Attack Duration 0.5+0.3
Base Attack Time 1.35
Bounty 16 - 21
Experience 20
Poison Sting
Poison Sting (Spiderling) icon.png
Ability Affects
Passive Enemies
Poisons enemies on attack.
Duration on Hero: 2
Duration on unit: 6
Damage per second: 4
Movement speed slow: 15%
  • Goes through magic immunity

Spawn Spiderite
Spawn Spiderite icon.png
Ability Affects
Passive Enemies
Applies debuff on attack. If debuffed unit dies, a spiderite will spawn.
Spiderite duration: 60
Debuff duration: 2
  • Only Spiderlings can spawn Spiderites, Spiderites cannot spawn other Spiderites (Spiderites don't have the passive).

Recommended items


  • Starting Items: Broodmother is a capable pusher whose survivability is very outstanding during the early game. A great Broodmother will not need much of any health regeneration consumables, and may instead invest on either rushing some of her early game items or on more Clarities, though the former is more viable. This does not, however, mean that she shouldn't buy Tangoes or Healing Salves. If the player decides to rush for an early game item, then it most of the time depends on the course of action the player wants to take. When running a Ring of Basilius, an early Ring of Protection is a viable option essentially because Sage's Mask is offered in the side shop. Another choice, and probably the more effective one, is to buy a Soul Ring Recipe. The reason behind buying the recipe over its components is that both Ring of Regeneration and Sage's Mask are sold in the side shop and that the recipe is relatively cheap. If the player decides to take middle lane, however, he may run an early triple Branch to get an easy Magic Wand, or decide to just rush on the two earlier items as stated.
  • Early Game: The item to grab first for Broodmother is definitely either Ring of Basilius or Soul Ring. Ring of Basilius provides an overall bonus armor to her spiderlings, and the mana regeneration helps her a lot as well. Soul Ring, however, gives Broodmother a supply of mana in an instant, and the health regeneration provided by her webs usually means that the risk she's taking isn't that big of a deal. Next on the list should be Boots of Speed. Broodmother, as a Hero that is most of the time invisible during laning phase, makes a great carrier for an item like a Magic Stick, and may be taken after or before boots.
  • Core Items: As much as the item suggestion states, Soul Ring should be taken priority first even before the early game items. The bonus provided by Soul Ring is extremely helpful towards the early stages of the game. After taking her early game items, the next item to build should be Power Treads since the movement speed and attack speed increase really helps in both her farm and harass. The versatility of Treads also allows her to switch it to something to increase her mana pool or survivability, whichever one is more needed in the situation. Magic Wand is another optional decision, but like said before she is a great carrier for such an item.
  • Luxury Items: The most important item to rush first for Broodmother after completing her core items is Black King Bar. Like any other hitter Hero, smart players will be focusing their crowd control and disables on to the Hero. The magic immunity provided will allow Broodmother to continually deal damage without dealing with the problem of being disabled during a fight. Monkey King Bar (MKB) and Butterfly (BF) are great items for any carry Hero to use, with MKB usually bought for the sake of dominating Heroes with evasion abilities, and BF if Broodmother herself needs the survivability. Heart of Tarrasque and Assault Cuirass are also very valuable items, but the survivability provided by BF is usually enough. Vladmir's Offering may also be a good item especially since it may be a reliable upgrade for Ring of Basilius, but this is generally discouraged because of the fact that the bonuses it provides are very minuscule. However, using Vladmir's Offering and Soul Ring, you can build a large army of spiderlings, spiderites and lane creeps which will tear down enemy towers extremely fast if enemy heroes are not blocking your path. This makes Broodmother very effective solo pusher. Radiance, although very powerful, is also discouraged on Broodmother. Multiple webs on lanes means that enemies cannot just guess where to throw their Dust of Appearance, and having Radiance on just means you'll be spotted fast. Broodmother is a very fragile Hero, especially if she can't go near enough to deal any serious damage.
  • Unmentioned Items: An item like Orchid Malevolence is very devastating in the hands of a good Broodmother and can be taken before the MKB or BF. The silence helps out with dealing with Heroes that have escape skills, while the added amplified damage makes her a monster in 1 on 1 combat. Boots of Travel is also a good substitute as it provides much needed movement speed on a hitter Hero and it also allows Broodmother to push more lanes at a higher rate. The main problem with this, however, is that Broodmother will be spinning more webs and losing her old ones on the old lane. Broodmother is a great split pusher and because of that will draw attention from multiple heroes when she pushes towards the barracks. A quick Yasha will give her more movement speed to evade ganks and remain a threat for that lane. Then this can be made into a Manta Style which will give her a way to remove dust and confuse the enemy to escape ganks and waste their crowd control spells.

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