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Written By Unknown on Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 | 14.31

Radiant icon.png The Radiant
19 + 2.3
11 + 1.2
20 + 2.7
Level 11625
Hit Points 511 1195 1936
Mana 260 806 1352
Damage 41-49 83-91 125-133
Armor 1.544.348.37
Attacks / Second 0.65 0.770.93
Movement Speed 295
Turn Rate 0.6
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range 350
Missile Speed 1100
Attack Duration 0.633+0.366
Cast Duration0.4+0.5
Base Attack Time 1.7
Zeus the Lord of Heaven is a ranged intelligence Hero who functions almost solely as a nuker. He is usually played as a semi-carry ganker type hero, who instead of utilizing disables, focuses solely on delivering tremendous amounts of magical damage to his foes. With the high cast range and low cooldown on his spells, he is able to deliver the most superb and consistent magical damage of any hero in the game. Arc Lightning is a highly spammable nuke that creates a stream of lightning that bounces between enemy foes (up to fifteen times at max level), dealing minor damage. Lightning Bolt is more focused, dealing heavy damage to a single target, also on a very low cooldown. Static Field is a potent passive ability that allows Zeus's magical damage to scale into late game, dealing damage to all enemies within a decent AoE equal to a certain percentage of nearby targets' health whenever he casts a spell. Finally, his ultimate Thundergod's Wrath allows him to strike all enemy heroes with a bolt of lightning, no matter their position, inflicting heavy damage. It can be used for multiple purposes: to finish off low-health enemy heroes limping away, to soften up the entire enemy team during a teamfight, or even to scout out the enemy's position. With the ability to strike down enemies both near and afar, the Lord of Heaven ensures that nobody can escape his wrath.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Recommended items


Zeus Zeus, the Lord of Heaven
 "Play Immortality was overrated. This is much more interesting."
Role: Pip ganker.png Nuker / Pip roamer.png Support
Lord of Heaven, father of gods, Zeus treats all the Heroes as if they are his rambunctious, rebellious children. After being caught unnumbered times in the midst of trysts with countless mortal women, his divine wife finally gave him an ultimatum: 'If you love mortals so much, go and become one. If you can prove yourself faithful, then return to me as my immortal husband. Otherwise, go and die among your creatures.' Zeus found her logic (and her magic) irrefutable, and agreed to her plan. He has been on his best behavior ever since, being somewhat fonder of immortality than he is of mortals. But to prove himself worthy of his eternal spouse, he must continue to pursue victory on the field of battle.


Arc Lightning
Arc Lightning icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Unit Enemy Heroes Magical
Hurls a bolt of lightning that leaps through nearby enemy units.
Cast Range: 700
Bounce Distance: 500
Number Of Bounces: 5/7/9/15
Damage: 85/100/115/145
Cooldown 1.75 Mana 65/70/75/80
Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere. Spell will be blocked if the Hero is the main target. They are still subject to being hit from the jump.
Arc Lightning is Zeus' favorite spell to use against puny mortals.
  • The damage of Arc Lightning is not reduced with each bounce.

Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Unit Enemy Heroes Magical
Summons a bolt of lightning to strike an enemy unit, causing damage and a ministun. Lightning Bolt also provides True Sight around the target in a radius of 900.
Cast Range: 700
Damage: 100/175/275/350
Cooldown 6 Mana 75/95/115/135
Cannot be purged. The truesight cannot be purged.
A shocking punishment for rebellious heathen.
  • Posseses a mini-stun, which allows Zeus to interrupt channeling spells and items with this ability.

Static Field
Static Field icon.png
Ability Damage
Passive Magical
Zeus shocks all nearby enemy units whenever he casts a spell, causing damage proportional to their current health.
Radius: 1000
Percentage Of Current HP Dealt As Damage: 5%/7%/9%/11%
The air crackles with static when the Thundergod walks the world.
  • The damage from Static Field is dealt before the damage from the used spell.
  • Using items doesn't trigger Static Field.
  • Does not require unit visibility to take effect.

Thundergod's Wrath
Thundergod's Wrath icon.png
Ability Damage
No Target Magical
Strikes all enemy heroes with a massive bolt of heavenly lightning, no matter where they may be. Thundergod's Wrath also provides True Sight around each hero struck. If an enemy hero is invisible, it takes no damage, but the True Sight is still created at that hero's location.
Radius: Global
Damage: 225/350/475 (440/540/640*)
Sight Radius: 1000
True Sight Radius: 900
Sight/True Sight Duration: 3
Cooldown 90 Mana 225/325/450
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Damage is ignored, but Hero is still revealed.
Cannot be purged. The truesight cannot be purged.
Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). Increases damage.
The Lord of Heaven smites all who oppose him, near or far.
  • Gives true sight within 900 range.
  • Reveals the surrounding area (1000 range during both day and night) for 3 seconds.
  • Hits units under the effect of permanent invisibility, but not units under wind walk.
  • Damage dealt after hero base magic resistance: 168.75/262.5/356.25 (330/405/480*)

Recommended items

Starting items:
  • A Tango and a Healing Salve are taken for the good HP regeneration.
  • Two Clarities will make your spells more spammable, since Zeus is very mana dependent.
  • Iron Branches will give you more stats, helping you with survivability and mana management.
Early game:
  • Boots of Speed will make you faster.
  • Bottle will make your spells more sustainable and will grant more survivability.
  • Arcane Boots are taken so that you'll be able to use your skills even more without going back to the base.
  • Veil of Discord provides a useful amplification of your magical damage dealt to any enemy caught in its blast.
Situational items:
  • Aghanim's Scepter will make your ultimate deal more damage and gives good stats.
  • Refresher Orb is used to activate your Thundergod's Wrath twice if you have sufficient mana pool.
  • Scythe of Vyse helps in many situations, and can be used to make an enemy helpless; it also gives a nice boost to your mana pool.
  • Bloodstone grants more health and more mana, which are very needed for Zeus. The more kills you do, the more mana regeneration you'll have.
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity is a good utility item: it gives more mana regeneration, a bit more of speed and a good ability to incapacitate enemy Heroes.

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