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Faceless Void

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 | 04.04

Faceless Void
Faceless Void.png
Dire icon.png The Dire
23 + 1.6
21 + 2.65
15 + 1.5
Level 11625
Hit Points 587 1081 1689
Mana 195 507 923
Damage 58-64 99-105 141-147
Armor 3.949.7915.64
Attacks / Second 0.71 0.951.2
Movement Speed 300
Turn Rate 0.5
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.5+0.56
Cast Duration0.35+0.51
Base Attack Time 1.7
Darkterror the Faceless Void is a melee agility hard carry hero. Given a little time, he becomes a terrifyingly powerful hero capable of destroying entire enemy teams.
Wielding his cosmically powered mace, each hit can lock his foes in time, stopping them in place. He can jump into or out of combat using Time Walk, and passively can avoid any damage with Backtrack which even works against Monkey King Bar. His ultimate, Chronosphere, locks time for everything within its area of effect, giving him time to strike down any enemies caught within with near impunity for several seconds. Faceless Void is a hard carry and, as such, scales heavily from items and reaches his full potential in late game, growing into one of the most powerful and destructive Heroes.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Recommended items


Faceless Void Darkterror, the Faceless Void
 "From a place beyond time, and time beyond counting."
Role: Pip carry.png Carry / Pip initiator.png Initiator / Pip disabler.png Disabler / Pip tank.png Escape
Darkterror the Faceless Void is a visitor from Claszureme, a realm outside of time. It remains a mystery why this being from another dimension believes the struggle for the Nemesis Stones is worth entering our physical plane, but apparently an upset in the balance of power in this world has repercussions in adjacent dimensions. Time means nothing to Darkterror, except as a way to thwart his foes and aid his allies. His long-view of the cosmos has given him a remote, disconnected quality, although in battle he is quite capable of making it personal.


Time Walk
Time Walk icon.png
Target Point
Rushes to a target location while slowing the movement and attack speed of all enemies along its path for 3 seconds.
Range: 700/900/1100/1300
Radius: 300
Duration: 3
Attack and Movement Speed Slow: 25%/30%/35%/40%
Cooldown 19/17/15/13 Mana 120
Darkterror tears a hole in time, passing through Claszureme, and appearing back in an instant.
  • Faceless Void is invulnerable while moving using Time Walk.

Backtrack icon.png
Faceless Void dodges damage by jumping backward in time, eluding both physical and magical attacks.
Dodge Chance: 10%/15%/20%/25%
Darkterror sees what has yet to be seen.
  • Stacks with evasion, but is subject to chance stacking.
  • Backtrack will not evade the secondary effects of enemy spells (such as stuns or slows)
  • Any damage type can be dodged except HP Removal.
  • Backtrack works against true strike attacks.

Time Lock
Time Lock icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Passive Enemies Magical
Adds the chance for an attack to lock an enemy unit in time, stunning it and dealing bonus damage. The duration is twice as long against creeps.
Stun Duration: 1 (2 on creeps)
Damage Bonus: 40/50/60/70
Chance: 10%/15%/20%/25%
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Damage is blocked, but stun is not
The strike of the Faceless Void lands with dimension shifting force.
  • Stun works on magic immune units.
  • Does not stack with Skull Basher.
  • Time Lock deals twice as much damage when it procs on a target in Chronosphere.

Chronosphere icon.png
Ability Affects
Target Point Units
Creates a blister in spacetime, trapping all units caught in its sphere of influence. Only Faceless Void and any units he controls are unaffected. Invisible units in the sphere will be revealed.
Range: 600
Radius: 400
Duration: 4/4.5/5 (4/5/6*)
Cooldown 120/110/100 (60*) Mana 150/175/200
Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). Increases duration and decreases cooldown(*).
When a rift opens to Claszureme, all poor souls caught within will likely never return.
  • Affects both units and buildings, both allies and enemies.
  • Faceless Void is never affected by Chronospheres with any owner.
  • Couriers are unaffected.
  • Does not affect Warlock's Chaotic Offering.
  • Enemy heroes do not have evasion while they are trapped in chonosphere.
  • No matter the source, every Chronosphere affects Faceless Void the same. Even if cast by enemy (ex. Rubick) Chronosphere won't affect Faceless Void and will provide him with double the damage coming from Time Lock occurring.
  • Does not pause the map. Runes, Trees, and Creep spawns (Lane and Neutrals) persist within a Chronosphere.

Recommended items

  • The consumables will allow you to stay in lane in the early levels, where you will be subject to harass.
  • Quelling Blade and Slippers both provide extra damage to Faceless Void to aid in last-hitting during the laning phase.. Slippers can build into a Poor Man's Shield from the Side Lane Shop which together with Backtrack increases Faceless Void's survivability in the lane.
  • Mask of Madness (MoM) increases Faceless Void's attack speed for a short duration which increases damage output potential during Chronosphere, gives more opportunities for Time Lock to proc, and it's lifesteal slightly offsets Faceless Voids low health gain.
  • Power Treads gives stat bonuses and increased attack speed to Faceless Void, increasing his survivability and potential damage output.
  • Butterfly grants evasion, and Faceless Void's backtrack is one of few skills that stack with evasion. This item alongside level 4 backtrack has the potential to negate 51.25% of auto-attack damage, thus greatly increasing Faceless Void's survivability. In addition, the agility and attack speed will dramatically increase Faceless Void's damage output potential.
  • Desolator provides raw damage and armor shred, but it is not very cost efficient. Be aware that purchasing this item with Mask of Madness will result in conflicting UAMs; try to decide which you should build on a game to game basis.
  • Crystalys and Daedalus provide Faceless Void with critical damage, greatly increasing Faceless Void's potential damage output.
  • Assault Cuirass grants additional attack speed, armor and an armor reduction aura that increases both Faceless Void's damage potential, and that of his teammates.
  • Monkey King Bar's true strike negates Faceless Void's opponents evasion, if they have any, allowing Faceless Void to maintain his damage output late-game. Please note that Chronosphere disables evasion, so if you can eliminate enemies with evasion before Chronosphere runs out, you shouldn't purchase Monkey King Bar.

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