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Written By Unknown on Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 | 06.21

Dire icon.png The Dire
23 + 1.6
23 + 1.9
20 + 1.6
Level 11625
Hit Points 587 1081 1689
Mana 260 598 1014
Damage 39-45 69-75 104-110
Armor 5.159.4214.33
Attacks / Second 0.72 0.91.1
Movement Speed 305
Turn Rate 0.5
Sight Range 1800/1800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.38+0.6
Cast Duration0.5+0.5
Base Attack Time 1.7
Meepo the Geomancer is a melee agility hero who is notorious for being the hardest hero in the game to play effectively due to his heavy reliance on micromanagement. Meepo's defining ultimate, Divided We Stand, makes Meepo four individual clones of himself. The clones cannot use any items besides the boots that the main Meepo himself wears, but each come with their own individual spells and spell cooldowns. As well, they all gain experience and gold additively with the original Meepo. This means that a well-played Meepo can gain experience faster than any other hero, capable of reaching maximum level extremely early into the game and overpowering his unsuspecting opponents. With Earthbind, enough Meepos can permanently root someone in place while the clone army pummels them. Poof allows any Meepo to globally teleport to any other Meepo, as well as deal significant area of effect damage when cast enough times. Geostrike is Meepo's passive, which slows and deals damage on attack, as well as stack with each individual Meepo, permanently bringing them to dust. With this skill set, Meepo can be everywhere on the map at once, and can group up on an unsuspecting victim in a moment's notice. Meepo redefines the power of numbers and is played mostly as a carry.
Unlike every other hero in Dota 2, Meepo has a base 35% magic resistance instead of 25%.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Recommended items


Meepo Meepo, the Geomancer
 "All these fancy knights and scary monsters. Pff! What do they got that I ain't got? Nothing, that's what."
Role: Pip carry.png Carry / Pip disabler.png Disabler / Pip initiator.png Initiator
"If you ask me, life is all about who you know and what you can find. When you live up in the Riftshadow Ruins, just finding food can be tough. So you need to cut corners, you need to scrounge, you need to know your strengths. Some of the beasts up there can kill you, so you need a way to trap the weak and duck the strong. On the upside, the ruins have history, and history is worth a lot to some people. There used to be a palace there, where they had all these dark rituals. Bad stuff. If you survived the ceremony, they would shatter a crystal and split your soul into pieces. They made great art though! Sculptures and such. Let me tell you: sometimes you stumble onto some of those old carvings. Take a pack full of those to town and sell them, then get yourself food for a few weeks. If luck is really on your side, you might find a Riftshadow crystal. Get it appraised and start asking around. Someone always knows some crazy fool looking for this kind of thing. If all else fails, sell it to a Magus the next time one's in town. They love that stuff. Still, whatever you do, be careful handling those crystals. You do not want one to go off on you. It really hurts."


Earthbind icon.png
Ability Affects
Target Point Enemies
Tosses a net at the target point, pinning down all enemy units. Earthbind prevents invisibility, blink, and interrupts channeling.
Range: 500/750/1000/1250
Radius: 220
Duration: 2
Cooldown 20/16/12/8 Mana 100
Catching dinner in the Riftshadow Ruins can be quite the task.
  • Does not hit invisible units, but earthbound units won't be able to become invisible.
  • Does not work on Roshan.

Poof icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Unit Self Magical
Drawing mystical energies from the earth, a Meepo can teleport to another Meepo or itself after channeling for 1.5 seconds, dealing damage in both the departure and arrival locations.
Range: Global
Radius: 375
Damage: 80/100/120/140
Cooldown 12/10/8/6 Mana 80
Sometimes breaking one of the Riftshadow Crystals can be just the trick for getting yourself out of a bind. Or your other self.
  • When targeted, Meepo will teleport to the Meepo closest to the target point (which can be the same Meepo who casts it).
  • Can teleport to Meepo illusions.
  • If Meepo teleports to himself, both departure and arrival damage will be dealt in the same area.
  • Does not work on Roshan.
  • The cooldown and mana cost of this spell are incurred after the 1.5 second cast time completes.

Geostrike icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Passive Enemies Magical
Meepo enchants his weapon to deal damage per second, as well as slow the movement speed of the attacked unit. Geostrikes from multiple Meepos stack.
Movement Speed Slow: 5%/10%/15%/20%
Damage per Second: 7/14/21/28
Duration: 2
Keeping your pack light and having few but versatile tools is the best bet for survival.
  1. Geostrike's slow of every Meepo stacks directly.

Divided We Stand
Divided We Stand icon.png
Ability Affects
Passive Self
Meepo summons an imperfect, semi-autonomous duplicate of himself, which can gain gold and experience as he does and shares his experience and abilities. However, the clones cannot wield any items but the boots that Meepo himself wears. The cloned Meepos also gain 30% of any bonus attributes the primary Meepo has. If any of the Meepos die, all Meepos die.
Number of Meepos: 2/3/4 (3/4/5*)
Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). Adds an extra Meepo. Increases shared attribute percentage from 30% to 100%.
Do I know you?
  • The only item that transfers to the Meepos is one pair of boots (any type).
  • Each Meepo can use active abilities from Boots of Travel, Phase Boots and Tranquil Boots individually. This does not apply to Arcane Boots, however, which may only be used by the Prime Meepo.
  • All Meepos share the Power Treads form that the Prime Meepo uses. Individual clones cannot change the treads.
  • Note that Aghanim's Scepter is undroppable once acquired.
  • Even if you didn't level up this ability, picking up Aghanim's Scepter will still provide you with an extra Meepo.
  • Illusions of Meepo (including those from Wall of Replica) benefit from stats sharing of Divided We Stand but do not receive stats from Bonus Attribute. Illusions of Meepo initially have the same current HP as prime Meepo despite having more strength from Divided We Stand.

Recommended items

Starting Items:
  • Ring of Protection lets Meepo build into Basilius or Tranquil Boots directly from the side shop.
  • Two Iron Branches help build into a Mekansm and provide (much needed) early stats.
Early Game:
  • Ring of Basilius's mana regeneration aura is significant early game, letting you spam Poof for farm/kills. It gives cheap bonus damage, helping Meepo last hit in lane, and can build into a Vladimir's Offering.
Core Items:
  • Power Treads is a must as the game progresses. On top of giving movement speed and attack speed to all Meepos, it provides clones much needed HP to survive fights.
  • Popping Mekansm in the middle of battle can easily turn a team fight around. The heal can counteract Meepo's biggest weakness - survivability (especially of clones).
  • Aghanim's Scepter, on top of providing stats itself, makes Reaver and Strength Treads significantly more effective. Successfully rushing a Scepter can give Meepo the survivability and level advantage he needs to become a midgame powerhouse.
  • Vladmir's Offering gives aura Lifesteal with bonus damage and armor, making the clones more durable in battle. The bonus damage aura improves Meepo's DPS more than comparable DPS items.
Situational Items:
  • Pipe of Insight's active can cover all Meepos, providing survivability, particularly against AoE magic nukes.
  • Blink Dagger gives Meepo great initiation and solo-killing potential. One may Poof to the main Meepo as he blinks in, providing some of Poof's magic damage without having to channel in the middle of battle.
  • Scythe of Vyse's active gives Meepo a hard disable making him that much stronger in 1v2's and the like. It also lets him take the upper hand against an opposing carry who might otherwise out-DPS Meepo (this is especially true late-game when Meepo's level and farm advantage wears off).
  • Reaver gives Meepo and clones a good chunk of survivability; coupled with an Aghanim's Scepter this lets Meepo stay alive even into late game.
  • Assault Cuirass grants aura attack speed and armor to clones, increasing Meepo's damage more than traditional DPS items. The armor reduction aura also works on towers, synergizing with Meepo's split-push potential.

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